Thursday, August 6, 2009

Why Do I Choose Pasture Butter and Grass Fed Beef and Bison?

Pasture butter and grass fed beef and bison are better than their corn-fed equivalents for two main reasons.

1. Cows are herbivores - their natural food is grass. For the most part, our food industrial complex feeds them corn, soy and weird animal byproducts, which makes them get sick with alarming regularity, especially since they're kept in close quarters with lots of other cows. That means they need antibiotics to stay alive, and overuse of antibiotics has led to resistance in some strains of E. coli, among other consequences as yet unknown to us, possibly including early maturation of our female human children. Grass fed cows and bison generally don't need antibiotics as much.

2. Grass fed cows produce meat and milk with different - and BETTER - nutritional profiles than corn fed cows. They have a different mix of fats, including much more conjugated linoleic acid or CLA. CLA is a fatty acid that can act as an anti-cancer agent, an antioxidant, and consumption has been linked with weight loss, including loss of abdominal fat.

Please note I'm not recommending you take supplements of CLA, as it can have gassy side effects, and may even mess with insulin sensitivity. As always, real whole foods are how we get our workout.

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