Sunday, September 26, 2010

Grass Fed Ground Beef and Weekend Grill

The raw milk people had some beef on sale this past Wednesday. I decided to break out my cast iron grill because my roommate was out of town and would not be there to witness the massive amounts of oil spattered all over the room. I use grapeseed oil to grill, and I love burnt cabbage and broccoli. The beef tasted very nice especially at the great price.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

How I Do It - Curry Mahi and Zucchini

Less than 10 minutes: mahi, zucchini olive oil and Thai curry powder.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Heirloom Zucchini

I didn't know that zucchini is one of the most genetically modified foods until recently, so when I saw organic heirloom zucchini at the Farmers Market, I decided to try it since it was the same price as the rest. It was green and white with thick skin and a coating of soft reddish spines that rubbed off when I washed it. The taste was, of course, very similar to normal zucchini, but stronger. I had it with spinach and sole.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day Splurge - Bison Ribeye with Brie

Brie sliced thin and placed on steak once I turned it. Used hot heavy bottom skillet with no oil, then covered for a few minutes to rest and melt the cheese.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Is Organic Better for You?

Finally a very comprehensive, carefully designed study saying YES.