Sunday, September 13, 2009

Why is Sleep So Important?

Did you know that if you don't sleep while it is dark out, you're increasing your risk of heart disease, diabetes, weight gain and mental illness?

Are you looking to lose fat? Did you know that if you don't sleep while it is dark, your body thinks it is summer? Therefore, it is very insulin sensitive because it wants to gain weight for the coming winter famine. That's why you crave carbs and alcohol if you don't get enough sleep.

Do you work out? If you don't get enough sleep, you're actually doing more harm than good because you are never giving your body a chance to recover - both your muscles and your circulating hormones need rest.

Here's what you can do to help: get at least eight hours of sleep every night if you can, beginning as soon as possible after dusk. Make your room very dark with curtains, turning off any electronics lights, and even using a sleep mask. Limit your nighttime TV watching, computer time, and your phone time if it has a glowing screen. Your body doesn't know the difference between natural and artificial light.

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