Wednesday, September 16, 2009

When to Have a Special Occasion Treat

Truly special occasions don't happen every month, especially if you're trying to lose fat. I generally don't have much of a hard time with alcohol and sweets anymore (clean cheesecake incident excepted), but I know that very many people do. My weakness has become large amounts of Pinconning mild cheddar cheese. It is only available in Michigan or by mail order, so I simply can't buy it. Just so you know I'm normal, ask me about the time I ate seven chocolate desserts for breakfast at the buffet at Paris Las Vegas.

I've developed some guidelines for special occasion eating. They're meant to help, not make you crazy. You don't have to follow all of them, but you'll be doing yourself a favor if you hit as many as you can. They are in no particular order.

1. Plan ahead and choose the treat. It should be one serving, not a whole treat extravaganza. That can be too hard to bounce back from. For instance, if you know you can't have just one slice of pizza, it might be better to go with a different treat. By the same token, a bowl of pasta with a glass of wine and slice of chocolate cake is about five treats.

2. Enjoy the treat with your family, friends and loved ones.

3. Eat or drink the treat very slowly.

4. Choose a homemade treat with the finest ingredients, or find a treat made by a master, like a famous pastry chef or pasta in a Batali restaurant. Don't just eat a Twinkie.

5. Plan your treat around your workout schedule so that treat time comes not too long after a workout.

6. Visualize your treat as a celebration, not a transgression. No beating yourself up. Help yourself by including lots of green vegetables in the next day's food plan.

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