Friday, April 29, 2011

Chemicals in our Food

Short article that sums up the lamentable current state of the relationship between the FDA and the food industry when it comes to regulating chemical additives and preservatives in our food. There is literally no way to evaluate the various combinations of these concoctions that we put in our bodies and allow to be put in the bodies of our children. The voluntary "Generally recognized as safe" (GRAS) program is a joke, as you might expect.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Cuban-inspired lamb stew

My trainer Troy Alvarado is writing a cookbook. A recipe for ropa vieja, a Cuban beef and tomato stew, will be included. It inspired me to make this lamb stew with a leg of lamb steak that I cut up. First I browned the meat and removed it from my stew pot, as with any stew, to get those intense flavors. I added onions and garlic to the oil and sauteed them until soft, then the peppers, tomato paste, tomatoes, along with salt, pepper, cumin and a bay leaf. I much prefer fresh tomatoes but they are expensive right now.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Beef stew with u choi

I feel comfortable leaving a pot in the oven on low during my training up the street. Browned grass fed stew pieces in grapeseed oil, removed from heat, cooked onions and garlic. Varied textures from long cooked u choi and Southern greens in butter cooked fresh while the soup heated. Vary your veggies too.

Still Skeptical of High Fat Diets?

No less than the nationally respected dietician Susan Kleiner has developed a high fat diet (46% of calories from fat in this case) for the new Abs special issue from Oxygen magazine. She's still a little too scared of saturated fats in my opinion, and uses canola oil, which I totally avoid. It was based on Jeff Volek's research, which I've alerted you to before.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Top Sirloin with Red Cabbage and Chinese Broccoli

I bought a large top sirloin steak from Rocky Valley (the "farmer to you beef" people at the Santa Monica Farmers' Market). I've never been quite this successful with top sirloin before - look at all that juice! All I did was throw it in a hot stainless steel pan until it charred up, sprinkled on some chimichurri. I had it with buttery red cabbage and Chinese broccoli.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Tequila Turkey and Fun with Veggies

Stumbled on the evidence that cooking a turkey breast with tequila keeps the meat moist. This one also has Meyer lemon juice and paprika.

I have liked cooked celery in soups and stir fries, so I tried it with roasted cauliflower, cumin and turmeric. It came out soft and sweet. I had it for lunch with ahi and fried garlic.

Baby purple broccoli is pretty.